Category: DiscipleShips

Coming together

God showed us that miracles happen when the body of Christ comes together, how when we all have a part of being His hands and feet here on earth, it just looks different for every person.  DiscipleShips needs for the body of Christ to come together.  We made a video of how you can be […]

Plan & Partnership

The plan We go by boat with flotillas (groups of vessels) into these isolated places to meet the people, love on the people by helping them with the needs that they convey, and telling them the Good News of Jesus Christ. Then walking with them making disciples as Jesus commanded. Flotillas allow us to work […]

DiscipleShips Blog

Welcome to the DiscipleShips Blog! We, Matthew and Sharon Allen, are the founders of DiscipleShips, we hope to keep you posted on what God is doing and how He is moving to reach the isolated areas in the world and how you can be a part of God’s story in reaching the isolated. Be blessed!